Friday, January 8, 2010
Wedding Experience of A LIfetime! (Some Photos That MIght've Not Been On Facebook)
1. The Day My Family Left

2. The Pre-Ceremony Days (I'm Still in Singapore!)
How could we miss this out...trademark...
Roby - the groom to be!


Ria! My first "Niece" i think! :p

Oh yea...pigs i say...haha...they were tired...
Re-united after so many a Chinese Restaurant!

I missed these moments!


That's like my mum's 'sister' beside her! Thank the Lord for her & her family!!

The church my family Nashik...way further up from Mumbai

My adorable siblings...

Ria looks so cute here!! (Don't care about the big face :P)


Ria Choudhari! you know where it came from...

3. Finally I Arrive!

Whadda A SHot! A Whole Ground of people playing CRICKET!

How much for the brown Lambho sir?

People living under those green and black cloth tents ok...

My nursery! Taylor Methodist School Tubbies! So Nostalgic...
(i can't remember nuts bout my nursery days)

How I Yearn For A Manual Lens...

I Know...Another Ria Photo...But I Can't Help It...She's So Adorable!

Intense Focus & Meditation Made The Missing Baggage Appear

Finally...In Raipur CIty Airport...Now To The Village We Go...
(Believe me it was a near-suicidal 3 hour ride... be thankful for Singapore traffic rules people!
I think the driver didn't wannt miss his cricket match on tv...or maybe he just wanted to show us foreigners what sitting in a NASCAR race car may be like)

Smogasboard! I Can't Stop Laughing! Hilarious!
There's something wrong with my uploader... louzy! Oh well...the really interesting pics are yet to come! I'm gonna sleep... will try again tomorrow!
Labels: Trip To India December '09
1:33 AM