Friday, July 24, 2009
My Math module result finally came out... and i got an A!!! Totally unbelievable! I flipped when my friend told me my result! Shocked?! I think i'm more shocked than anyone else... I really wasn't expecting this and wasn't hoping for it either. I thought i'd end up with a B or a C. I would've been extremely delighted with that to be honest...
I think God has been really gracious. It's very convenient to say that it's His grace to me that i've gotten As in two modules so far. But i think it's crucial that i make the effort to see how His grace has been working. And it various ways:
1. The Pastors & The Church Council have been graciously supportive of me in my studies. They've allowed me to take offs & leaves to study and cover up for those offs i took by working full days on Saturday and Sundays.
2. The Lord Himself has grown me to who i am today. In the past, i wouldn't bother to make the effort to study (as everybody knows), but over the years i think the Lord has graciously caused me to mature in my life to view studying as one of the areas in my life that i need to be faithful in too.
3. Understanding parents! Who know that i'm an adult and don't nag at me! la. My parents have seen me come home really tired & worn out sometimesa after a really long day at work & school. Their encouragements & their support...& especially their understanding of my situation has really encouraged me & assured me too at the same time. Plus, they're paying for my fees!
4. The Lord Himself has been my source of strength. Sometimes i'm so tired, that i really don't wanna do anything. I'm glad that this year, i find that i've been able to find more solace & strength in Him rather than wallow in my "circumstances".
5. Friends :) Oh they're so important...
I guess there are many more ways? But these are some of them that come to the forefront of my mind of how the Lord has so graciously cared for me.
It is also my prayer that despite the good results i might stay humble. I've never been in this "business of good results" before - unless it's a subject i really, really liked (very rare). And to be very honest, it's easy to get my head filled with ambitious thoughts for future studies and to dream of similar results all the way. But we know, that results are not what matter the most. It is my prayer that i may not just look to the end, but that i shall always remember to walk joyfully through the process too with the Lord. I hope that i will not succumb into the temptation or the pattern of putting my studies before the Lord rather than the other around. (And i'm certainly not expecting the results to stay this way all the time)

Oh! Know what! I've started cycling to & fro work! It's faster...cheaper...and fitter! haha...started doing it last year and was doing it on an on/off basis but thought that i should make it as permanent as possible this time round. It's Very relaxing in the morning!!
I Like my bike and i cannot lie.
Ok i'm off to bed.ZZZ..
12:09 AM
Saturday, July 11, 2009
It's 3am...i've got a test later in the afternoon at school, a graded test. But know what...i'm feeling really refreshed!
Some of us just went out to casually celebrate Ben's birthday. I wasn't so sure at first about going with my test being tomorrow. But as i thought about it, i rarely get these opportunities, with the schedule i have. And the next time an opportunity like this arises, where i could just spend time with my fellow peers under a relaxing atmosphere.,. would be... i don't know when man! SO i thought it'd be good to go...
And i'm totally thankful that i did! It was so nice, to just spend time together...talking, chilling, sharing, laughing...i didn't really want to go home - i think i could've just happily sat there for much longer, but oh well - the responsibilities given to you in life cannot be ignored :p
Thank God for friends! I so enjoyed myself today (even though i didn't talk much :p) It was so fun just listening, watching them and quipping in once in a while :p hehe...Only sad point is that i didn't take any photos!
3:06 AM