Sunday, April 19, 2009
Don't you think the organ is such a... "magnifique splendeur" kinda instrument. The thought of playing with the pipes bellowing out the rich and diversified sounds of the organ in the background. It's'm just totally enchanted by it! Grand! Majestic! Captivating! Yet with the ability to be mellow & soft in its tones. It's just so enchanting...Labels: Fascinations
11:42 PM
Thursday, April 16, 2009
School again today! But guess what...i'm actually starting to understand the baffling greek that my lecturer speaks! Woohoo!!! All those moments of
1. sheer frustration almost to the point of tears of not understanding anything my lecturer spoke coz he was simply in his own world
2. wanting to tell the lecturer to "wake up his idea" (thank God i didn't do that)3. giving up being frustrated and just staring blankly at the board and seeing squiggly letters and numbersAnd now in the past 3 classes i've had, i've actually been able to follow! Any idea how thankful i am?!! WAHHH!!!!!!Now there's just the small matter of catching up on the first 8 chapters that he taught that i'm completely lost about. Oh mid-term exam next Saturday...well, they just happen to be testing us on those exact first 8 chapters that i have no clue about. Oh bravo!
I thank the Lord for Romans & Ben who encouraged me to press on. Their encouragement and support really uplifted me. I thank the Lord too that He helped me see the need to change my attitude and approach to the subject, if not there could've been no progress! Still not there yet though...Zzzz...Labels: School
1:11 AM
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Another day of work and school over... i thought i'd take the time to read others blogs before i slept to see what's going on in their lives. Boy am i glad i did...i see of Peng's deep sensitivity to live his life rightly before his Saviour...i see of Gloria's wonderful testimony to everything about MImby, the joy that the Lord granted her through the committee, the lessons learnt through the whole process and her painful yet joyous perseverance despite so little rest. I read of Romans' calling to be urgent with passion, to have a vision and his wanting to relive that vision he has for the ministry... i read of Sarah's reminder to us to check where our eyes wander when the times get difficult. I must say, i teared a bit. Teared coz it was such a joy to see how everyone walked with the Lord. Teared coz it reminded me also of my shortcoming - of how i had forgotten or let go of lessons learnt in the past so as to to live a more easy and convenient life. Teared coz , as much as it delighted me to see the Lord working in their lives, i know that He is prompting me to walk closely with Him again.I thank God for giving me the opportunity to go to sleep with such a big smile on my face (No not Joker-like...bigger than that) despite my quads which are aching like crazy after those jump squats today...*sobs*.I think i shall go and talk to my dearest Daddy in the sky now...
1:22 AM
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Be patient, therefore, brothers,until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth, being patient about it, until it receives the early and the late rains. You also, be patient. Establish your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is at hand. Do not grumble against one another, brothers,so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door. As an example of suffering and patience, brothers, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. Behold, we consider those blessed who remained steadfast. You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful. James 5:7 - 11Perseverance! My biggest problem! You know, when i was having that 2 month break from school from mid Jan to mid March... things were quite smooth sailing. I felt that i spent the first 1 month of the holiday better than the next half. The first half seemed to be more "fruitful". Whereas the second half...well swayed back into a routine, sadly. And then came along this thing called Math. And ever since it started, things have never been routine or the same again.
In the passage above, James talk about being patient. Now in this context he was probably writing to his brethren who were being taken advantage of by rich people. But see how he tells them to be patient, like a farmer who waits for a few months (early and late rains are few months apart) to see the results of his farming. Do not grumble, behold, for the Lord is at the door. Wait a bit more, be patient instead of grumbling and being judged for it. And he gives the prophets as examples of suffering and patience. ANd indeed blessed are those who remained steadfast. Like Job!
But what really caught me was the verse telling me to establish my heart. I realised that my heart was not set. There was a lot of grumbling against my Math teacher who really didn't make sense. There was a lot of unhappiness at having to put in so much extra, extra effort in studying on my own. Extra efforts are really necessary you know when you have forgotten everything from eons back and you don't learn much in class. So i found myself resorting to my Poly-days attitude. The phlegmatic self in me. The part that simply doesn't care, simply doesn't wanna do anything about it eventhough i know that i have to do something about it! My heart was simply not established. It was wavering. It was struggling to establish itself firmly. I was not patient. I wanted instantaneous results without having to go through the hard process.
There's this saying that perseverance is a rare commodity in a microwave society with so many technological advancements. When problems come, we send up prayers with almost the same expectation as when we press the buttons on our microwave. A few seconds, we think, and we should be done with it.
As i said in my previous post, i want to go through this module trusting the Lord. It's one thing knowing what i am going to face. It's another when you're going through the actual process. But trust must be accompanied by obedience. I can't simply sit back, don't care, and trust that the Lord will pull me through, expecting results, if i don't do anything about it. It doesn't work that way. That would be making a mockery out of my God.
Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing. James 1:2 - 4
A verse that we all know very well. Maybe i've been too comfortable during the two month holiday again; Forgetting that there is no way to become a mature Christian without trials -trials that slowly burn away the flesh in order for Christlikeness to shine out forth from our body.
So do pray with and for me, that instead of looking for an escape, i may instead look to the Lord. That i may instead look forward to the benefit of the trial - steadfastness & maturity & a closer walk with Him, - that i may find joy in having my character being "burnt into shape" by Him.
Ramble Yusoff :-)
Labels: School
1:30 PM