Thursday, August 7, 2008
(Ok this is a post i wanted to put up last week but because of some problems with the internet connection at Romans' place, i couldn't. Everything you read is written as of 6 Aug, Wed.) I'm staying over at Roman's & Ivy's place now...just thought i'd blog...Ben thinks that washing dishes is therapeutic! Bennifer's a really good maid i must say.I've been playing for the Junyuan choir for a few months now. It's been an interesting experience, to say the least. Playing to a choir, and having to stick to a certain discipline is certainly different from playing in a band or playing solo. Without doubt, if asked for my preference i would choose a band or playing solo anytime over playing with a choir. But nonetheless, i believe that it's a good time to learn to be disciplined (as much as i can be la huh :p). Following a choir conductor & a choir & the music score in front of you takes a lot of discipline for me...well most people know that i'm not a fan of following music scores :p I've learnt quite a few new stuff too in my time playing for the choir and i believe that they're quite applicable in a band setting. Though it's a different style & setting...the basics of music still remain the same to a certain extent. And it's a great side allowance too! Hehe...Allows me to save up :P Oh...the kids are splendid! There's this unabashed naughtiness/cheekiness that they have about them. They just be themselves & they have no insecurities about who they are. Maybe coz they don't think so much? I dunno...but i do know that they are really fun to be around with! But i must say that i do feel a bit old at times when they call me "Mr.Ronald" and when i see them so at ease with each other, playing whatever games that cross their minds. But it's fun! I think i contribute to their noise level more than limiting it...hahaha!.jpg)
...............(From L to R: Pasakorn, John, ??, Justin, Jun Jie)..........
The fella on the utmost right, Jun Jie, is in Primary 6. He's a pianist too...who's going to start his Grade 8 after his PSLE i think...!!! I think i was barely in Grade 3 in Primary 6. And he's good! He's not flashy or jazzy etc. BUT he's consistent with his technique and his style of playing. He played a song for Junyuan's recent 20th Anniversary Celebration. I think he played it better than i would ever be able to! He loves to play the piano and gets very excited when we talk about it. Wouldn't be right for me to say "i love him to bits", now would it? :p Labels: Choir
12:06 AM